Copyright Patrizio Di Renzo Photography
Interview with Photographer Patrizio Di Renzo
August 6, 2013, No Comments

You started your career as an industrial photographer. Only later did you start working in the fashion world. Could you ...

Igor Morski
Igor Morski Interview
June 13, 2013, 35 Comments

There is a strong surreal quality that borders on Dada aesthetics. How has surrealism influenced your work? What fascina ...

Buffalo - Leilani Bustamante
Leilani Bustamante Interview
May 27, 2013, No Comments

According to your website ( you graduated from the Academy of Art University. Before entering ...

Ending - Thor Lindeneg
Thor Lindeneg Interview
May 6, 2013, No Comments

You have been described as “autodidactic,” or self-taught. What are some of the advantages (or disadvantages) that y ...

'a-ciorta - Roberto Rizzo
Roberto Rizzo | Surrealist Art
February 8, 2013, 1 Comment

About Roberto Rizzo: Roberto Rizzo was born in Naples, but currently he lives and operates nearby Rome. After High Scho ...

journalism internship
Journalism Internship
December 21, 2012, No Comments

Company: Sunrise Artists Industry: Arts and Entertainment Job Type: Internship We are looking for self-motivated journal ...

Frodo Mikkelsen Sculpture
Frodo Mikkelsen Interview
December 19, 2012, No Comments

Skulls and black silhouettes of men on horses are some of the recurring symbols that define Frodo Mikkelsen’s artistic ...

Guillaume Gaudet - New York City
Guillaume Gaudet Interview
November 23, 2012, No Comments

Start spreading the news. French photographer Guillaume Gaudet has arrived to New York City to capture all aspects of th ...

SPLNYL - Jenny Beorkrem
Jenny Beorkrem Interview
August 8, 2012, No Comments

Move over Rand McNally, this isn’t your grandparents’ wall map. With her signature neighborhood maps, Jenny Beorkrem ...

Phaeton - Kurt Wenner
Kurt Wenner Interview
May 14, 2012, 1 Comment

If those pictures with the inverse silhouettes of the old and young women blew your mind, you might want to look away. K ...

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