The Social Leviathan - Lloyd Harvey
Lloyd Harvey – Emerging Artist
January 27, 2012, No Comments

About the Artist: Growing up, I’ve always drawn and been creative. I was always encouraged by my parents to try new th ...

REM - Mitch McGee
Mitch McGee Interview
November 8, 2011, 1 Comment

How did you come up with the layered birch technique? Lichtenstein with a Red Bow was the first piece that started me do ...

The Nature of Nurture - Greg Craola Simkins
Greg “Craola” Simkins Interview
July 20, 2011, No Comments

You worked in clothing and graphic design before painting became your focus, did the companies you worked for help launc ...

Julien Sorribas – LIPSTIK – Emerging Artist
March 7, 2011, No Comments

Artist Statement: Female icons pose in a semi-fictitious, flashy, super-sexy pre-apocalyptic world where voluptuousness, ...

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