Charlie Immer Interview

Written by  //  December 15, 2010  //  Interviews  //  2 Comments

How and when did you become a professional artist?

I started out after school hoping to become a commercial illustrator. I then discovered very quickly that my work is not what one would call commercial unless I subtract the Blood and Guts.  It’s no fun without the gore.

Jelly Face - Charlie Immer

Jelly Face - Charlie Immer

It was obvious that perusing galleries was the best way for me to go. As long as I could get someone to show my stuff I could do anything I wanted. Gallery 1988 in San Francisco was my first showing and it opened many doors leading to more and more shows. When I had had at least a show a month for a solid year I knew I had gone pro. Also when I mentioned to people that I was an artist I didn’t feel odd for saying so.

What is the best piece of advice you can give regarding marketing your art?

The most important thing is finding your audience and having your work seen by them. Submit your work to galleries that show artists that you feel relate to your work in some way. You wouldn’t try to sell candy out of a dentist’s office.


Lanky Veins - Charlie Immer

Lanky Veins - Charlie Immer

You currently have your own website and blog, what are some other ways that you’ve advertised your work both on and offline?

Doing interviews like this one.  Also using all of the different social networking applications to let people know about upcoming shows and print releases.

What would you say are the most important tasks when planning a solo exhibit?

Choosing a theme or at least a thread that can run through the body of work is important. The pieces should work together as a whole and individually. For me I also want each piece to be at the same level of polish.

Your surreal paintings and illustrations seem to have become more and more anatomical with every new “slice” of your brush. How do you develop your concepts?

Eyeball Jog - Charlie Immer

Eyeball Jog - Charlie Immer

My concepts come from my fascination with anatomy and my love of candy and toys.  I have so much fun creating the blood and bones of my characters. The contrast of the smooth bodies and the complex systems beneath spilling out is very appealing to me. As I’m painting I also try to assign flavors to my characters like blueberry and green apple.

I have a big solo show coming up in August at Roq La Rue. Also I should be coming out with 3d objects (toys and hopefully some sculptures).

Where is your work currently on display in Canada?

I am not currently showing in Canada but I do have an awesome art tour coming up. The “You Lucky Bastard Tour” first stop Vancouver, BC | Ayden Gallery – April 15, 2011


Come on lets GO - Charlie Immer

Come on lets GO - Charlie Immer

Artist Bio:
Charlie Immer, born 1983, lives in Maryland with a collection of skeletons and candy.
Charlie enjoys dissecting his subjects which creates a contrast between colorful simple characters and the beauty of the anatomy within them.


About the Author

Payam Montazami is the Editor-in-Chief at Sunrise Artists.

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