Sunrise Artists – Internships Available

Written by  //  May 10, 2010  //  Careers & Opportunities  //  No comments

Sunrise Artists Logo

Company: Sunrise Artists
Industry: Arts and Entertainment
Job Duration: Internship
Job Location: Montreal, Canada
Job Requirements:
Sunrise Artists is seeking candidates for a summer internship for the following positions:

  • Journalist – In charge of all artist/expert interviews and website written articles
  • Web Designer / Graphic Designer – In charge of all web and print related design
  • Public Relations Agent – In charge building relationships with sponsors and experts in the field
  • Photographer / Videographer – In charge of documenting Sunrise Artists’ events and interviews
  • Event Planner – In charge or organizing events and all other related activities

The summer internships are considered volunteer work. The top interns will have an opportunity to continue working with Sunrise Artists upon the completion of the internship.

Please contact us at for more information.

About the Author

Payam Montazami is the Editor-in-Chief at Sunrise Artists.

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