When he’s not dabbling in audio-visual artistry, Ryan Heshka is busy creating distinctive paintings and illustrati ...
Taka Sudo is living the dream. Creating art, traveling and imbibing the brews each new place has to offer. The Japanese ...
Your work has been characterized as “activist.” What causes or ideas are important for you to convey in your work? M ...
A lot of your work involves water or other fluid elements like smoke and ink. What do you enjoy about photographing thes ...
On your upcoming trip to Vietnam, you’ve said you hope to tell photo stories that will help the people there. Do you s ...
How did you come up with the layered birch technique? Lichtenstein with a Red Bow was the first piece that started me do ...
How long have you been painting, and how did you get interested in art? I´ve been paining all my life, but I actually t ...
Graffiti seems to represent the defilement of the world of the subjects in your paintings. What do you think distinguish ...
Interview by: Michelle Markelz Based on your interest in technology and environmental issues, do you consider yourself a ...
A lot of people claim that to be successful, you need to reside in large artistic hubs. You grew up in the small town of ...